Chad and I have had a great holiday season so far. We spent the weekend before Christmas with my parents in Lodi. We stayed with my grandma and were able to celebrate the holiday with my aunts, uncles and cousins. Christmas Eve we drove to my parents' house for the night before heading down to San Diego for four days. In San Diego we visited Chad's parents, sisters, brothers, their spouses and our nieces and nephews. We played lots of games and had a good time. Below you'll see a photo of the result of one of our games. The group was divided into two teams: Chad's team and Sean's team. Chad's dad bought two pair of old fashioned one-piece red pajama thingies (I have no idea what they're called). Chad and Sean had to put them on and everyone else on their teams had to blow up balloons and stuff them in their suits. Let's just say I don't think I've laughed that hard in a really long time.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Merry (belated) Christmas!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Stormy Weather
Today has been quite a weather day in the Valley. We've had rain on and off with some thunder and lightening too. Pretty exciting, really, and especially good when you can stay home and not have to drive or walk around in it. As of this post we've had four unique hail storms and each left a fair amount of ice in our planters. In fact, the hail from our last storm, about 3 hours ago, is still on the ground. Brrr.
Night at the Cabin
Saturday Chad and I drove up to the cabin for the night. It started lightly snowing about 35 minutes into our 50 minute drive. I'm glad I wasn't driving. We made it safely to the cabin and all was good. Chad immediately started a fire and I made grilled cheese sandwiches. About two hours after we settled in the power went out! Fortunately we found candles and flashlights and it was still relatively light outside. The outage only lasted about an hour and we sat close to the fire to stay warm. The snow continued to fall well into the evening and the view from inside the cabin was beautiful.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
My mom came up earlier in the week for the night to do a little shopping and baking. Overall I think we were pretty successful. We made chocolate-covered pretzels, rocky road, caramels and ginger snaps.

Monday, November 24, 2008
Our salad greens have really taken off these past couple weeks. I wasn't sure when was the right time to pick them but after seeing their leaf size this weekend I figured today was the day. This afternoon I plucked enough greens for our dinner tonight. I washed and salad-spinnered them before putting them in the fridge a couple hours before dinner.
I must say, they tasted really good! With an unknown mixture I wasn't sure how the salad would taste or if there would be a bitter group in the bunch, but we were both pleasantly surprised. Apparently the more you pluck the greens the faster they grow, so we'd better get eating!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
So Chad and I are getting our eyes checked in a couple weeks. After I made the appointment I thought maybe it would be smart to see if we like the frames the office had to offer. Today we spent about an hour there (fun!) playing around to see what looked good on us. We have no idea if we'll need glasses or not, but we figured just in case we might as well be prepared. Here are the glasses we narrowed down for Chad:

And here are the choices for me. I really don't think I'll need any. Maybe for looking at the computer and for reading, but otherwise I think my eyes are fine. If I have to get some I'll get one of these two pairs. What do you guys think? I thought the first pair looked good but everyone in the glasses office (including Chad) agreed that the second pair was way better. By the way, neither pair are as dark in real life as they look in this photo.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Las Vegas
Friday evening we flew with my parents to Las Vegas for a couple of nights. The weekend was great! We stayed at the Hooters Hotel (I know, I know) and it was fine. Not great but not horrible either. The location was good and really, most of our time was spent at the Tropicana playing blackjack. I suppose we left with a bit less money than we arrived with but overall we did well and definitely had fun.

Monday, November 10, 2008
Weekend with Friends
On Friday our friends from the Bay Area came to visit us for the weekend. We had Indian food for dinner that night and had so much fun catching up. We hadn't seen each other since August. Saturday morning we hit up a few craft fairs near our house before heading to the cabin for the night.

Monday, November 3, 2008
Screen Doors
For our wedding anniversary my parents gave us screen doors for the house. Last week I called around for quotes and ultimately chose the company that gave us the best deal with the fastest installation time. We decided to get retractable screens for all three doors. On Tuesday the owner of the company came out and measured our doors and then installed the screen doors Saturday morning. We love how sturdy they are, how you can't see them when they're open, and how they retract into the frame when they're closed.
at 2:48 PM 3 Super Awesome Commenters Said
File Under: Anniversary, Dad, House, Mom
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday night we roasted the pumpkin seeds from the pumpkins we carved on Sunday. I cleaned them, added a little butter, salt and sugar and then roasted them in the oven for 40 minutes. Last night I enjoyed them a little too much. I was sitting in my chair and clumsily dumped the bucket of empty shells on my lap. Here's me feeling stupid but still cracking up.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pumpkin Party 2008
Last night Chad and I went to the Pumpkin Carving Party at our friends Jim and Kellie's house. We had dinner, drinks and candy before buckling down and carving our pumpkins. Because we used the pumpkins from our patch we brought three to work on this year. Chad has more imagination when it comes to pumpkin faces than I do so I let him carve two of them. Mine is on the left.
Thanks to Kellie for the photo from last night.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Long Lost Project
I started this lap quilt way back in 2002 when my mom gave me a kit with the fabric. I chose the layout and sewed the pieces together. Why I chose this layout? Who knows. I probably would have done the pattern differently if I got the kit now, but that's OK. After finishing my place mats this week I had the confidence to finish this little quilt. Each time it gets a little easier and overall I'm happy with how it turned out.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Place Mats
This afternoon I finished the place mat set I started in a recent quilting class. I thought it was going to be a quick little project when I started but it turns out it wasn't. This class taught me how to make this fancy little block, quilt everything together using my new quilting foot and then bind it with mitered corners. The place mats definitely aren't perfect but I'm happy with how they turned out.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Yesterday we went with my parents to the LA Lakers/LA Clippers preseason game here in town. It was a blast! We had dinner beforehand at the Doghouse Grill and then headed across the street to the 7pm game. The Clippers were on fire and definitely deserved the win. The score was 107-80 (ouch, Lakers) and I'm sure the Clippers were thrilled with the outcome. Gold-medalist Kobe Bryant played and despite coach Phil Jackson's recent leg problems, he was there too.
Three Years!
Yesterday was our third wedding anniversary! How can three years go by so quickly but still feel like we've been married forever?
More on what we did on our anniversary in a few minutes. Tonight we're going to celebrate by going out to dinner. Somewhere we haven't been yet but have wanted to try.
at 9:43 AM 2 Super Awesome Commenters Said
File Under: Anniversary, Chad, Fall, Holidays
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Fall Wreath
It has been fall for a couple weeks but I'm just now getting around to decorating the house for it. My mom suggested I make a fabric wreath for our front door and I liked her great idea. After thinking on it for awhile this wreath is what I came up with. Chad suggested the raffia bow and I think it was the perfect touch to finish it off.
at 11:49 AM 2 Super Awesome Commenters Said
File Under: Chad, Crafts, Decorations, Fall, Holidays, House, Mom, Sewing
Saturday, October 4, 2008
When there's a chance to hit up a local fair Chad and I are always there. San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles County, Tulare County, Paso Robles, Fresno, etc. --we've been to them all and most of them more than once. We love going mostly for the people watching, but then there's the home arts, the animals, the food and the photography exhibits that we like checking out too.
At last year's fair we saw part of the Jonas Brothers concert. This year we went for Gretchen Wilson and her show was great. We got there early, found a good place to stand and stayed for the entire show. She played all her hits, a handful of new songs from an upcoming album (they were catchy and fun) and a few rock and roll classics that the whole crowd knew. She put on a good party concert and we're definitely glad we went.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I'm Giving Peas a Chance
I spent this morning tilling and improving the soil in a portion of our garden box. It was the spot where the tomatoes and the corn used to be. I haven't reworked any of the other areas yet because we still have a steady stream of watermelons, birdhouse gourds and pumpkins growing back there. Anyway, today I put nutrients back into the soil (hopefully as much as the tomatoes removed) and planted mixed lettuce seeds and either snow peas or sugar snap peas. A friend brought the pea seedlings over and I forgot to get the specifics at the time. I hope they grow.
UPDATE: They're snow peas. And I also planted garlic.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
This summer one of our red Japanese Maple trees died. Yesterday we returned the tree (or rather, a tree trunk with a few bare dried up branches) to the store where we bought it. It was one of many maples we have in our yard so we weren't too upset about it, but it was still a bummer. Last week Chad and I decided we wanted to plant a fig tree in its place. We already have one in our yard and we love everything about it. The leaves are beautiful, the branches are funky and weird, and the entire tree has more than doubled its size since we bought it in late May. I hope this new tree does as well as our current one.
We also bought a purple Crepe Myrtle bush for the front side yard. Chad planted it in the dark and did a great job despite the lack of lighting!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I walked for Liz (and Matt and Madeline)!
I usually take a break from exercise on the weekends but today I chose to participate in the Liz Goodman Logelin 5k Walk/Run. (I walked. I am not a runner.) If you don't know anything about Liz, Matt and Madeline you should visit this blog to read their story: Or read this post to learn exactly what happened.
Matt and Madeline live in the same area that we did in Southern California. While we have never met them, we feel like we have.
at 2:21 PM 1 Super Awesome Commenters Said
File Under: Exercise
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Balloons Again
Saturday we attended the annual air balloon festival here in our area. It started bright and early at 7:00am and we made it in time to see most of them set off. We were able to get a lot closer to the balloons than I thought we would. In fact, some of them flew low just above our heads. Pretty cool.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
This evening Chad and I decided to finally pick a watermelon. We have five more melons in our yard at various stages of growth. Another one (we think) will be ready in the next week or two. After Chad cut the watermelon we weighed it using our bathroom scale.
Today's melon, if you can believe this, weighed 30 pounds! It was huge and heavy.
After we cut and tasted it we realized that there's no way we can eat the whole thing by ourselves. We cut it into quarters and delivered large chunks to three of our neighbors. Hopefully they like watermelon! We had some this evening after dinner and it was great.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Camping Again
Last Friday we went with Chad's family to Hume Lake for the weekend. There were eight of us and we all had a great time. We managed to fit a lot into the quick trip and really could have used an extra day to do some more. We walked around the entire lake, ate good food, hit the Celebrate Sequoias Festival, swam at Sandy Cove, made marshmallow guns, shared bear stories, cooked in a dutch oven, paddled around the lake in canoes and visited Boyden Cavern, a marble cave deep in the Sierra.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
They Finally Arrived
All summer we've been waiting to see these guys on our tomato plants. We've been warned and put on notice but haven't seen much of anything besides bees, wasps, moths and grasshoppers. Until today. We went to check on our plants this evening and my eye went right to this big guy. There were actually two of them and most likely even more since they blend in so well with the greenery. They're called horn worms. If they weren't so bad for our tomatoes and so fat and squishy I might actually like them. They have really neet legs/feet and an unusual eye-like pattern on their sides. We're going to let them be. Our tomato plants are about done anyway.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Ball Game
Last night we went to a ball game here in town. It was one of the last games of the season so we figured we should take the opportunity to go. There was a dramatic fireworks show after the game and we're glad we stuck around for it. We had a great time and are already looking forward to next year.
Monday, August 18, 2008
So last spring we planted a million carrot seeds in a small area of our garden. As soon as they started sprouting we read that you have to thin them out in order for the carrots to be healthy and grow. Thin them? No way! We want LOTS of big orange carrots. We're not going to thin them. So we didn't. And now they're popping up above the ground. There wasn't enough room for them to get big because each carrot had to fight for vacant space underground. Bummer.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Chip Off the Old Block
This weekend I woke up early and hit some garage sales. Most of the sellers had crap but at one of them I scored pretty well. Here's a photo of what I found. I got Chad a metal garage rack for $5 (don't ask how much we paid for the other ones we have from Lowe's), a long skinny folding table that's perfect for buffets or crafts, again for $5, and a box of books that I'm going to try to resell.
at 10:16 AM 3 Super Awesome Commenters Said
File Under: Crafts, Dad, Furniture, Garage Sales, House, Shopping, Summer, Yard
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Another Dragonfly
Monday, August 11, 2008
Busy Weekend
Chad and I spent the weekend with my parents at Shaver Lake. Saturday after breakfast we headed to the lake where we rented a pontoon boat for the afternoon. We trolled for awhile and I actually caught a fish. I can't brag about my technique or my mad skills because really, I have no idea when it happened. We decided to take a break from fishing and he was hooked on my line when I reeled in. Surprise! The golden-green colored bass was small, I'd say only about 8-10 inches or so.
After a quick photo op we let him go.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Can You Say...Fed Up?
I saw this sign today and had to take a photograph of it for this blog. The car is parked in our general neighborhood but fortunately not on our street. I've seen the SUV there before but always assumed it was the homeowner's car. Obviously I was wrong.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Bird Town
Here's a photo of our newest additions to the backyard. We bought three super cute birdhouses and put them on shepherd hooks. This week I'm going to buy seed for them so the birds will have something to eat. I wonder how long it'll be before we see a bird on one of them?
at 3:47 PM 8 Super Awesome Commenters Said
File Under: Birdies, Decorations, Food, Garden, House, Summer, Yard