Fast forward to Tuesday. After Chad set up Maggie's high chair we plopped her in it for an evening snack. And without a hitch she was at it again.

What a difference a year makes! Last December we announced to our family and friends that Chad and I were expecting a baby in July. Newly pregnant and excited about the year to come we had no idea how much our lives would soon change. Now we are here with a new baby girl, happy and healthy as a family of three. We couldn't be happier.
Last week Maggie stood on her own for the first time. Of course we put her there, but she was able to support herself and stay put for a little while without us holding her up. Now if she'll just learn to sit independently! We're working on it...
at 4:57 PM 3 Super Awesome Commenters Said
File Under: Fall, Maggie, Milestones
This past weekend Chad, Maggie, my parents and I spent a long weekend in San Luis Obispo. We had a great time and really love visiting that area when we can. Chad and I met when we were both living there (11+ years ago) so there's an extra fondness for us because of that.
This was Maggie's first trip there and I'm pretty sure she loved it too.
We know she liked seeing Santa (smart girl). Most of our time was spent in San Luis Obispo but we also walked along the bluffs at Montana de Oro and hit Morro Bay for lunch. Another great weekend that went by way too fast.
Our family had a great Thanksgiving at Shaver Lake. We played games, fed the ducks at the lake, walked around the shops in town, spent some time at the swing, and overall had a nice long weekend with the family. The weather was cool and wintery and it even snowed the second night of our stay. The one bummer: A nasty stomach flu bug made the rounds between the two cabins and 19 of the 21 of us there caught it at some point. Fortunately it was a quick illness and didn't put a damper on our weekend.
This year Chad, Maggie and I are going to Shaver Lake for Thanksgiving. Spending the holiday weekend with us will be Chad's parents, siblings, nieces and nephews. There will be 21 of us in all! I'm expecting to have a great time and hope to have some fun photos to share after we return. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
(PS Photo template provided by Pear Tree Greetings. Oh, and sorry for the blurry photo. It was the best the stranger at the park could take for us!)
Last night my parents were nice enough to come over and stay with Maggie for the evening. It was our first night without her in tow and we all survived. Chad and I were invited to our friends' wedding and we had a great time, even if I was checking my phone every 15 minutes to make sure I didn't miss a call from my folks. Chad was spot-on with his do-you-want-to-see-how-cute-my-baby-girl-is role and the people at the wedding were kind enough to look at the photo on his Blackberry. They agreed that Maggie really is cute.
Hard to believe she's going to be four months old tomorrow.
Even though we didn't take her with us, here's a photo of us looking all fancy and Maggie looking all cozy in her jammies.
This year we had an eventful Halloween. Maggie dressed up as a candy corn and we think she looked pretty cute in her costume. Besides going to the pumpkin patch, Maggie and I hit a trunk-or-treat at our church on Wednesday and had a photo session at a local boutique on Saturday with our friends Amy and Liam.
Friday night our friends Jim and Kellie had their annual pumpkin carving party so Chad, Maggie and I went to that, staying up too late and having a blast.
Last night, Halloween, we had family (Great Old Aunt Leslie, cousin Bailey, Uncle Gabe, cousin Chris and his girlfriend Michelle) come to town to go trick-or-treating. Maggie didn't trick-or-treat, but she did have fun in the stroller going from door to door with Bailey. Chad stayed home to give out candy and did a great job.
Today my mom came for the day and got this great smiley shot of Mags. That's the reason for this post. Oh. My. Gosh. Can you say cute? I just needed to brag.
Friday Chad and I celebrated our four year wedding anniversary. We went to a steakhouse and had a delicious dinner--thanks Mom and Dad! No photo of us this year--too much going on and taking a photo completely slipped my mind. Happy Anniversary, Chad!Yesterday was Maggie's first trip to the fair. She loved it. Loved it so much she slept most of the day. After eating some yummy fair food, Chad worked at the CBS47 booth while Maggie and I hung out behind the scenes. The weather was wonderful so it was nice just watching the people and enjoying the day.
at 7:03 PM 1 Super Awesome Commenters Said
File Under: Anniversary, Chad, Fair, Fall, Food, Holidays, Maggie
For almost two years now I've wanted to get knobs for the cabinets and drawers in our kitchen, laundry room and two bathrooms. Tired of waiting and ready to take action I went ahead and ordered 61 of them last week. They arrived on Monday. Wednesday Chad installed them and I love how they turned out!
at 8:00 AM 6 Super Awesome Commenters Said
File Under: Chad, Decorations, Fall, House
This week we took down our vegetable garden. Our tomato plants were overgrown but finished producing fruit a few weeks back.
Last night we harvested an amazingly big zucchini. And considering we didn't think we'd get any from the plant this year we're particularly impressed with the outcome. Of course we had to use Mags as a measure of how large it really is. Keep in mind, she has adorably chubby thighs, but this monster makes them look slim! Here are the stats:
Of course it's not really her birthday, but she is two months old today so I'm posting photos. These pics are from this weekend at the cabin. As Chad said at the time, Maggie is thinking in this second photo, "Oh Lordy, the vapas." Ha!
A few days back Maggie & I were smiling at each other for quite a while. Usually when this happens I can't get a good photo but this day was different. Even though it's a little blurry I still love it. I think you can see why.
We had more visitors come meet Maggie this weekend: Loren and her mom, Judi! They stayed the night on Saturday and we had a great time catching up with them and introducing them to Maggie. Mags slept most of the time but at this point, what else is new? Here we are with Loren at breakfast on Sunday and below is Mags in her new onesie--an awesome gift made by Loren and Andy! I can't decide who loves it more, Maggie or Daddy...
Wednesday evening, just two days after my due date, our little Maggie arrived. After a night of contractions Chad and I went to the hospital Wednesday morning and they admitted me, saying we were ready to go. The doctor broke my water around noon, I got my epidural around 2:30, started pushing close to 6:30 and just before 8:30 Maggie was born. Whew!
Well, my due date has arrived and I'm still carrying this baby. They say first babies typically arrive a little late--I wonder how late our baby will be? My belly can't get much bigger so hopefully he or she won't make us wait too much longer.
A year ago last April we visited our friends who live in the DC area. They sent us home with some hostas from their front yard and we planted them in our backyard. They grew really well last year and then died off in the winter. Well, this spring they returned with a surprise! Not only did they grow beautiful green leaves like last year, but they also grew pretty purple blooms! It's as if the plants knew that in order to be in our backyard they had to be purple. The trumpet flowers are really pretty and we hope they last a long time. So neat!
Today my pregnancy officially hit full-term. About 3 weeks (give or take) to go! I should have taken the photo AFTER I got my hair done, but of course I didn't think about that until later.