Last week Chad and I traveled to San Diego to attend the funeral of his grandfather, Walter. The family gave Walter a nice service to remember his life. A few members of the U.S. Navy were there to honor his wife by giving her a folded U.S. flag that was laid over his coffin earlier in the service.
On Saturday morning Chad's sisters threw us a baby shower. Because it is the rare occasion that we're all together as a family they decided this weekend was a fine time to do it. We ate individual omelets and fruit for breakfast before playing shower games and opening gifts. I got some really neat homemade gifts for the baby including a hooded towel, a nursing cover, a monkey blanket and a fitted sheet for the crib. We received other cute gifts too. Chad and I are thankful for the shower, the gifts, and time we all got to spend together this past week.
Here's a photo of us playing a multitasking game. We had to hang baby clothes on a clothesline while talking on the phone and holding a Cabbage Patch doll. The entire group was divided into two teams and it was a relay race. The other photo is of me trying on the nursing cover.