This past weekend we had three family Christmas celebrations. Lucky us! As usual we were spoiled with great gifts and we hope our family and friends feel the same way. Maggie is still a bit young to understand what Christmas is all about but she did enjoy spending time with family, the presents, and of course all of the attention.
Our next and final celebration is with Chad's family this weekend and we're really looking forward to the trip.
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
One more to go
Friday, December 24, 2010
From Our Home to Yours
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Float Your Boat
We have had rain since Friday here at our house. There have been a few breaks in the clouds, but for the most part we've just been wet. Sunday we drove to my folks' house to pick up Maggie. To our surprise, here's what we found going on across the street. The normally green park filled with soccer players and running dogs has turned into a lake! With boaters! There were four boats when I ran to get my camera. Such a funny and strange sight.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Holiday Party
We have attended a number of fun Christmas parties this year. Most recently Chad and I went to his station's holiday party. My parents watched Maggie so we could go and we had a blast. Food, friends, djs, dancing, gifts and awards all amount to a good time. Then on Monday Maggie and I went to her little play group holiday party. The moms went all out and had tables with crafts, snacks and cookie decorating. Santa and Mrs. Claus even took the time out to make an appearance. They read two Christmas stories to the kids and handed out bells and a personalized gift to each child. (The gift was a book each child's parent bought, wrapped, and gave to Santa before the party.) Maggie received Olivia from Santa this year but unfortunately she'll never know that. She loved hanging out near Santa, but when he called her name with her book she wanted nothing to do with him. She ran to me screaming. It was hilarious. I didn't get many photos from the party because we were too busy having fun. Sorry for the dumpy quality of these shots.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Maggie's second meeting with Santa wasn't nearly as adorable as her first. She wasn't thrilled with Santa this year and the visit with him was fast and squirmy. As you can see from the photos, she initially thought he was sort of OK, then she didn't at all and wanted off his lap within about two seconds.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Maggie and I have been really busy this past week. Unfortunately I keep forgetting to bring my camera with us so I haven't had many updates for the blog. I did remember, however, to bring it today for a fun little rainy day playdate with friends. We all played with Oobleck in the kitchen and as the kids were wearing down from all the playing and toys and horsing around, they enjoyed watching the rain from the couch.
Friday, December 10, 2010
This past week Chad left town on business and my mom came and stayed with us for a few days. Maggie, Mom and I managed to fit in shopping, a hair appointment and still found time to start and finish our holiday baking. Maggie and I had a great time. Below is what we ended up with in our kitchen:
Chocolate Covered Pretzels
Ginger Crackles
Rocky Road
Monday, December 6, 2010
at 7:51 AM 1 Super Awesome Commenters Said
File Under: Chad, Christmas, Decorations, Fall, Maggie
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Christmas Light Parade
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Christmas Tree Lane
When you live in the suburbs you get to experience events for the holidays that don't seem to make it to the more urban areas. And while I so miss living in a hip-happening place there are some local festivities that are pretty hard to beat. For example, while nearly everyone gets festive to some extent with lights and decor outside their home, a few neighborhoods in town really go wild at Christmas. We are lucky enough to live just over a mile from one of them and Chad, Maggie and I took the opportunity to check it out last night. Taking photos of lights at night proved to be a difficult task for us but here is the best of what we shot. As you can see there is no-doubt-the-world's-greatest-bow-of-all-time on one of the houses. Man, I would love to have one of those on our place. Also, you'll see the holiday wish-list that Chad and I have signed in years past. This time Maggie signed it and apparently she wants a pony. Other wishes on her page? Video games, a hot rich boyfriend, a genie, 100 more wishes, toys... Finally, one of the homes had this little dancing mechanical animal band which inspired some kids to have an impromptu dance party. Maggie said, "What? A dance party without me? No way." And she was off to get her groove on. That girl can and will dance to anything. Even to a dorky dancing mechanical animal Christmas band.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Party Harty
Last night Chad and I went to the annual Best of Fresno party. It was lots of fun and the food was delicious! My parents watched Maggie for the day/night and we were able to enjoy the evening to ourselves. Mike Scott, one of the anchors at Chad's station took this photo of us and put it on his blog.
Monday, November 29, 2010's another one
at 12:50 PM 5 Super Awesome Commenters Said
File Under: Misc
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Clashing is in this seaon
As you can see, Maggie got to try out her new pink snowsuit. And red jacket.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Maggie Mac will make you jump, jump
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Recently we had the displeasure of experiencing roseola with Maggie. Poor little thing didn't know what was going on and honestly, neither did we. A friend of ours suggested we not rule out roseola when, on the fourth day of a 100+ fever and no other real symptoms of anything, we had to cancel some fun plans with her family because of Maggie's condition. Turns out she was right. After Maggie's fever broke she got the rash. It appeared pretty heavily on her butt, upper legs, arms and face. I was assured that the rash wasn't itchy and that it wouldn't hurt (thank goodness!) and fortunately that seemed to be the case for Mags too. She ran around the house looking horrible but feeling just fine. Thank goodness that's over.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy (belated) Halloween!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Annual Pumpkin Party - 2010
This has been a jam-packed weekend and we haven't even hit Halloween night yet. Good thing we like staying busy.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Pumpkin Party People
Last night the three of us went to our neighbors' Halloween party and had cool time. Probably around 75 people showed up and you should have seen the amount of food, drinks and desserts. Whoa. There was also a face-painter there to entertain the kids, as well as tables for pumpkin carving and other fun Halloween things to do.
The hosts rented two bounce houses. Yes, two. Maggie totally tripped out and was in awe walking around one of them. Of course she was inside by herself at the time. I didn't want any of the big kids falling on her or jumping hard and catapulting her into the air. Cute to imagine until she lands on her head, right? Anyway...she walked and fell and bounced on her own and loved every minute of it.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Not My Daughter?
This morning kicked off a super Halloween weekend with plans for lots of parties and fun. Maggie and I participated in a little trunk or treat event at a local park with other moms and kids from our local moms group. The party started with trunk or treating at a local park and ended with the kids eating healthy snacks and playing in the playground. Maggie preferred that part. Seriously, she didn't care much for the trick or treating at all. What's wrong with her? Candy...hello! Maybe it's the fact that she's never had candy so she didn't know what it was? I'll give her a break this time, but next year...
Maggie enjoyed watching and copying the big kids, climbing the tall stairs at the park and going down the slide head first. We have a daredevil on our hands. Great.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Zoo Crew
Friday, October 22, 2010
Watch Out
Thursday, October 21, 2010
And don't call me Shirley...
at 6:32 AM 2 Super Awesome Commenters Said
File Under: Fall
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Weepies!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pumpkin Patch

Monday, October 18, 2010
Playing at the Park
Maggie and I have hit the park quite a bit lately since the weather's been perfect and she loves being outside. She enjoys running around, watching the big kids, and figuring out how to use the playground equipment. Last week was a real treat because we got to bring Chad with us to the park. And two sets of eyes watching her isn't such a bad thing when she's curious, brave and fearless out there.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Praying Mantis
We've had quite a few bugs outside our house lately. I don't know if it's the weather or the harvesting or just the fact that we live in the Valley. To my surprise this big guy was relaxing on our patio chair and hung out long enough for me to take a quick photo of him. It looks like he has big funky eyes, but in fact when you zoom in on him (as I kindly have done for you, below), you'll see that the eyes are instead very small black dots. I'm assuming that's some sort of survival trick, don't you think? He has a funny mouth too.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Urban Salvage
This librarian's heart went a-flutter when I saw this old book-drop. I couldn't figure out what I'd do with it in our house so we let it go. Sigh. |
A quick shot of the inside. |
at 6:55 AM 3 Super Awesome Commenters Said
File Under: Chad, Fall, Garage Sales, Maggie, Shopping