
Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm pretty sure I've told most of you about this fun new website but for those of you I missed, you need to check out If you like shopping, discounts, unique and quirky wares, buying from independent, up-and-coming and lesser-known retailers or just getting a great price on something different, this website might interest you. Here's how it works: every weekday there is a new deal on their website (similar to babysteals, onekingslane, minisocial) and that item is offered at 50% or more off the retail price. Then, as more people buy the item, the lower the price becomes. Everyone who buys the item that day gets the lowest price. Cool, huh? They call it "social shopping".

I hope I haven't made this concept sound more confusing than it is because really, it's simple. Post any questions you have in my comments section and I'll get back to you with answers.

So anyway, what kind of items do they sell? Anything and everything! In the past they've had clothes, handbags, organic soaps, wine labels, kids stuff, brownies, paper products and more.

If you go to the top of their website ( you can enter your email address and they'll notify you of the deal that day.

Even better, if you decide to buy something between now and February 28, 2010 you'll get $5 off your first order. On some days that means the item will be nearly free. Enter the giftcode lm635 when you check out for the discount.
If you don't like the deal today, check back tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. Most likely you'll find something soon that interests you or someone you know. Head on over to jasmere and get ready for some fun deals coming your way.
***(Full disclaimer: jasmere is a business owned and operated by our good friends. If you came to my baby shower you met one of the owners. Even more reason to sign up, right?)***

1 Super Awesome Commenters Said:

mom said...

It's a fun site and I always look forward to seeing the daily special!